Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a long time posting.

Well it looks like its almost been a year to the day since the last time that I posted anything here.. Not like it really matters, nobody is reading this. After all, who's wants to read anything that I post, I am just me and I'm not anybody. just someone on this world, maybe make a difference in other peoples lives. But regardless, I'm here.

Well took my mother to the Dr today for her check up with the Dr to have her neck arteries examined and figure out what might be able to be done about the blockage in her neck. So far the results says that she is does not need nothing done at this point.. So I guess on down the line, she will have to have something done, but not anytime soon.

Seems like I'm watching my mother grow old and frail before my eyes. with each photo and video I take of her, I notice more and more how shes going down hill. Today she walks with the assistance of a cane. I notice that her hearing is bad as well as her memory. It's very strange to me to see a woman that was once able to chase a 5 year old little brat, (me) and give him a good whoopin when he did something wrong. Now its all she can do to walk.. So its very scary... I just wonder if that's how I'm going to be if I live to be old..

Dealing with her dependency issues has been the hardest. It's difficult to have to work full time and see to her needs all the time. If not for my wife, it would be far more difficult. i have 2 supposed brothers that could possibly help. One I don't hold responsible for helping because of of his distance from here. But i have an older worthless brother who only comes around when he needs something. she could be seriously sick and he always has an excuse as to why he cant come to be with her. It's sickening. If there is something to be given away, he will be the first to get there. if he cant get it one way or the other, he will steal to get it.. sad, sad case he has turned out to be.

 I take pride in the fact that I do what I can for her. I wont have regrets one day that that I didn't spend enough time with her or do more for her because I know that I did and my conscience wont bother me.
Ive taken thousands of photos of her, so the memories will last a lifetime.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rainy day

A nice stormy day today. The railroad hasn’t called and Alicia, mom, her mom and Alicia’s aunt has taken off to Kingsport to see the baby Dr. I am home alone till they get back. Took my neigbor out to get some stuff for his dog earlier. Other than that, not much going on today.. It’’s a rainy day and there isnt much going on.. I hope to make it to the photography club meeting tonight if at all possible.
Todays storm from my window.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A hot steamy day today. Spent most of the day indoors doing laundry and playing a few online video games against people across the world. Not much to do on days where it is so hot to go outside. Fed and watered my chickens and took the dog and walked him earlier. I am ready for winter, although I’ll be saying I’ll be ready for summer when it gets cold again. But this year has been bad. I don’t think its ever been this bad, at least with humidity, its horrible. Enjoying a little down time from the railroad. Glad it isnt busy today, I’m enjoying the time home.
Looked a little stormy today. Not sure if its going to do much or just make noise. Either way, a little rain would help the heat ease off.

My chickens and ducks, they all have one name, "Chicky and Ducky."